To Eskdale index 

The Pennington family documents and other collections at Whitehaven Record Office, Cumbria, contain numerous examples of enfranchisement indentures- agreements to convert copyhold or "customary" tenancies to freeholds. This is a summary of the terms which usually applied in the Manor of Muncaster:

What I have not been able to work out is how the price for enfranchisement was calculated; it was probably based on a multiple of the value of all the benefits received by the Lord of the Manor, but this could be anything from about 140 to 190 times the annual "fineable rent".

The enfranchisement of a property in Ravenglass in 1827 illustrates the most important features of the deal. The annual fineable rent was just 10/6, but the price of enfranchisement was £99/14/2. The enfranchisement exempted the tenants from a wide variety of manorial charges and services: The Lord of Manor retains certain rights: hunting, hawking, shooting, coursing, fishing, fowling, mining, quarrying [including the right to "erect fire-engines and other engines gins steaths smelting-houses and any other buildings which may be deemed necessary or useful for working the said mines or to employ any other means now in use or which shall be in use for the winning working and carrying away coals minerals and other produce and to make and continue any waggon-ways or other ways drains cuts or sluices and to do every other act that may be necessary or convenient for the purposes aforesaid the said lord or his heirs and assigns paying a reasonable compensation for the damage above ground which may be sustained by the respective owners and occupiers of the said premises"] ... but the new freeholder did have the right to "freestone limestone clay marle and slate", and to make bricks, but only for repairs and improvements to the premises. The new freeholder also retains any former common rights. The freeholder to pay 1s to the manor homage jury when the property changes hands, plus 1s to the manor steward and 4d to the manor bailiff on enrolment of any new tenant. There is also a nominal rent of 1d to the Lord of the Manor at Xmas each year [in earlier enfranchisements, the Xmas rent was a single peppercorn].