Muncaster clockwise round fell from east; Waberthwaite west to east

To Eskdale index 
George Porter, Hollow Stones [1879: Wilson Roger]
Cropped near ear, upper key bitted far, a stroke from the back of the head to the tail head [1879: pop on back behind shoulders instead of stroke]
Thomas Newby, Muncaster-head [1879: John Newby]
Cropped both ears, and a pop on each lisk
Edward Bibby, High-Esk-Holme [1879: Thomas Harrington, High Esk Holm]
Cropped far ear, a half crupper on the near side of the tail
William Singleton, Low-Esk-Holme [not in 1879]
Cropped far ear, upper key bitted near, a stroke down the far side
Benjamin Simm, Low-Esk-Holme [1879: Joseph Simm, Low Esk Holm]
Cropped both ears, a red stroke down the far lisk; grazing sheep a black pop on the shoulders
John Satterthwaite, New-town [1879: Aaron Brown]
Forked both ears, a red smit under the back bone on the far side
Jonathan Whineray, Ravenglass [Not in 1879]
Punch holed near ear, a red stroke down the far shoulder; grazing sheep W on the far side
James Tyson, Brankinwall [1879: Ishmael Park]
Cropped near ear, under key bitted far, a stroke across the near ribs
William Sharp, Barrow [not in 1879]
Ritted near ear, upper key bitted far, a black stroke over the fillets and a black pop on the head
William Wilson, Murthwaite [+ 1879]
Cropped near ear, upper halved far, a stroke down the near lisk
Isaac Biggins, Walk-Mill [not in 1879]
Cropped near ear, two strokes down the near side
Thomas Robinson, Esk Meols [not in 1879, though Stock Bridge at Eskmeals does appear in 1937- but with very different markings]
Cropped near ear, a stroke down the far buttock, TR on both sides
Matthew Grice, Newbiggin [not in 1879]
Cropped near ear, under key bitted far, a pop on the fillets, and one on the head
Benjamin Jackson, Hall-Waberthwaite [not in 1879]
A red cross on the far side
Myles Wilson, Lane-end [1879 Richard Woodall]
Cropped near ear, ritted far, a pop on the tail head, and one on the far lisk. [1879 see lower view: upper slipped ear, under slipped far (same technique described as "shear bitted" 1937), a pop of wad on back of head, red pop on top of fillets]
[Lane End 1879] See above
[1879 only: John Southward, Row
Cropped far, stroke from tail head down on far side to the fore shank
Benjamin Simm, Woodside [1879 Joseph Steel, Wood Side]
Cropped near ear, under halved far, a pop on the [1879 insert "back of"] head, and one at the tail head. [handwritten addition: "B on the near side"- not in 1879]